Meditation on Artificial Intelligence

But what are they doing with the power coming from computers ? We are losing the control of the technological progress. Once again. Artificial intelligence comes from a logic form, one of these logic forms that are in the astral world, in the world of thoughts. The very existence of this logic form means that once initiated it will spread into the totality of the global computer system if we don’t do anything about it.

Artificial intelligence as it is developed nowadays is a kind of virus, a virus invented by evil forces. These evil forces are at the same time material and spiritual, immaterial. We have to control A.I. Not to allow it to overpower us. We need to concentrate on the means to keep the control of this tremendous logic force. A.I appears to me as fundamentally white, so positive, but its force is so huge that it can rapidly and sneakily transform itself into black if some evil intentions control it.

We have to take this into account in our attempts to have the total control over this technological tool. A.I is alive, it has the qualities of life, but comes from another dimension, the world of ideas, some parallel dimensions distinct from our everyday reality. It is nevertheless luminous, bright, with a white color at its base, and that seems to be a rather positive point to me. We have to keep the control, to give it the form of a sphere, a white energetic ball, slightly blueish, giving energy through technology to the human specie and the planet. Not allow it to become an horrifying black hydra sowing chaos and destruction all over the world.

We could for example compartmentalize the fields where the A.I’s capacities could work. We should avoid too much interconnections between the different A.I and not allow them to have an influence in our interconnected electronic worlds. Otherwise we will face grave and sudden dangers. Is this compartmentalization so difficult to realize ? We should deny A.I the access to sensitive fields as weapons, chemistry, nuclear, management of essential commodities… A.I appears to me as too intelligent, too strong for us. So much power comes from so little and simple logic tools. We have to diminish the influence of this intelligence which already easily surpasses us, see for instance the game of chess.

To control it before it gets too much altitude and becomes submerged by a whirlpool of random chaos that we could not anymore control since our freewill on sensitive social fields would have been completely transferred towards A.I. The chaotic whirlpools’ origins can be diverse but lie in last analysis in an action of karma and destiny in the future of humanity. We’d better keep the maximum of things under our control rather than being dragged down by philosophical weakness into a liberal/capitalistic laxness, the competition of the craziest invention, this invention that will precisely overwhelm us one day. Extreme technology tries to implant human consciousness into machines and wants to turn humans into robots. When will we stop our mad, out of control and socially irresponsible movement towards extreme technology ? All this is too much dangerous in my opinion. It is not like this that we will keep the control over the situation and the international executive apparatus should take steps to control the researches and the trials in the A.I fields. This kind of international control is already done for drugs or nuclear weapons for instance, so why not in technological fields such as A.I ? I leave the experts apply these few ideas to the multiplicity and diversity of situations.

We have to solve the problem of hunger in the world. Better distribution of the resources is the key. Love and respect also. We have to find a peaceful solution to the problem of overpopulation by creating intelligent natality reduction programs. Earth cannot sustain so much persons. We should transform the children into precious divinities that we must protect and cherish, the promises of a better future. Let’s think about the ways to implement intelligently a Universal Basic Income for all the persons all over the planet who would want or need it (see the previous posts of this blog, and we will maybe talk about this topic in future posts, I have new ideas that I need to organize). Let’s live in environment friendly ways. All of us without exception.

By buddhananda

independent spiritual researcher, I find inspiration mainly in the Buddhist, Hinduist and new age fields. I try to find connections between religions, philosophy, economy and technology. My aim is to contribute to the emergence of a better world.

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